Bad Piggies Wiki
N/A Level 1-1 Level 2

Level 1-1 is a level in Ground Hog Day. Henceforth, It serves as a tutorial for the most basic mechanic of the game: Putting parts together to create a vehicle for Ross.


The player is given a 3x2 grid, along with the following parts:


The player is awarded stars for the following conditions:

  • Ross reaches the goal.
  • The level's Star Box is collected.
  • The vehicle does not break.

Directions to complete the level with three stars

1-1 sol 1

Solution to complete the level with all three stars

1: Create the build shown above

2: When you begin, the cart will naturally roll down the hill, collecting the star box and finishing the level without breaking.

NOTE: You do not need to worry about the cart getting damaged because it will cross the finish line before it will be damaged. Alternatively, you can also place Ross anywhere as the whole level terrain is a slope, he will also roll down the hill completing all the stars.


When a crate appears in this level, It will be placed above the slope leading to the goal, since there isn't really anywhere else the player can go. It is preferable to build a cart that can lean up a bit to collect it, if possible.

Directions to claim the crate:

1-1 sol crate

Solution to get the crate

1: Create the build shown above

2: When you begin, the cart will roll down the hill. When the cart reaches the hole, the cart will flip over, reaching the crate.


N/A Ground Hog Day Rise and Swine